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Our offices can assist you in filing bankruptcy petitions under Chapter 7, Chapter 11, and Chapter 13. Our services include preparing the necessary bankruptcy petition documents and can potentially include:

  • Voluntary Petition and all accompanying Bankruptcy Schedules

  • Preparation and filing of reaffirmation agreements

  • Communications with creditors

  • Stopping civil lawsuits, wage garnishments, and seizure of property

  • Attending the §341 Meeting of Creditors with our client

  • Stripping off or removing a second mortgage, third mortgage, or HELOC

  • Removing judicial / judgment  liens

  • Allowing homeowner’s to catch up on mortgage delinquencies & keep their property

  • Lowering the principal balance of an auto loan to its Fair Market Value

  • Lowering the interest rate of an auto loan; and

  • Discharging certain types of Federal and/or State tax debts

Click here for more information regarding the bankruptcy services we provide. 

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.



At Prime Legal Center we pride ourselves in representing our clients through quality counsel and in fostering lasting relationships within the local community.  Our proven track record of expertise in the bankruptcy field allow us to immediately engage in problem-solving for our client and ultimately provide them with the peace of mind that their legal issues are being expertly handled.


We represent clients in within the State of California. 



Phone: 916-572-9677



2801 B St. #188 | San Diego, CA 92102

5221 Deer Valley Rd. #188 | Rescue, CA 95672


Prime Legal Center


​The information contained in this website is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice. An attorney-client relationship can only be established by signing a representation agreement. This is an attorney advertisement. 

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